I've been meaning to make a blog... Not sure why exactly, doubt it will be read, but I guess something to just look back on when I older to remember some of the crazy experiences.
Let's start from the beginning or as much as I would like to blog about.
The name of the Blog, Pitbulls and pythons...
A taboo subject right? For most at least. Pitbulls.... snakes... They kind of just stand out in a crowd. -Snake more than a pitbull-
I travel, all over the country. I meet new people everyday, some friendlier than others... I don't travel for pleasure, it's for work, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. I love it really... some of the places I see.... people you meet... that stuff you really have to experience. It's a job none the less, and I'll leave it at that. On my adventures, I have my traveling companion Gabriel. My Alaskan Husky, Pitbull terrier mix, and my gentle python Jynzx. Moving from motel to motel sometimes I have to hide Jynzx, and lie about Gabriel's breed. -he can pass off as a boxer... sortof- Sometimes there's no trouble. But that's not what I want to write about. Not the sneaking around because of the ignorance of others. But the fun and funny points. The shocking moments, just the things that happen. The good the bad and the wonderful...
Lets start with introductions.
Jynzx first, my girl.
She is a five foot long, Ball python, also called the royal python. A ball python, in my opinion and in many other's, is the ideal snake to own if not for their small size then their lovely temperament. The ball python get's it's name from it's docile nature and reaction to fear and threats. If scared or nervous, they coil themselves into a ball, usually with their head in the middle, instead of biting. Not saying they don't bite, I've owned some that have and seen some. It all depends on how handled they are. Jynzx has never bitten, or hissed. She has a beautiful personality.. at least as much as a snake is capable of having.
She is ticklish and likes having her scales rubbed. She's a ditz, like any snake. If not kept up with or goes without constant supervision, she'll get stuck in something... Fall off something, pull things off shelves, life's hard with no hands people~
I do feed her live rats, even though people say it's healthier for the snake to give them prekilled. And it is. I make the choice to give her live rats for several reasons, one main one; if your only purpose in life, as a pet snake, is to live in a tank, be handled... and sleep. They're live almost seem boring, so I let her have her thrill of the hunt and the fight- if the rat can manage. I would advise prekilled to anyone though. A rat can harm your snake, bite them, scratch them, etc.
Snakes are unsanitary creatures, though I do keep Jynzx clean. her cage is bleached, her bedding changed and she is personally bathed every time I take her out. But I still carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with me just to be safe. After handling any reptile you should wash your hands, and they should be kept away from food.
I do love her, she is a snake, yes, but none the less she is my pet and she means a lot to me. I've had her for years, five to be exact. She is a snake that when you meet despite your fear - if any- you might just want to cuddle her. She has a tendency to quail the fear of snakes in some of the most terrified. My step dad is terrified of snakes, but he will actually pet her and carry her around. and My mother won't touch any snake but her. That being said, there are snakes that are dangerous and caution should be used around any one you meet.
Then we have Gabriel.
He turned one in April 2011
He is a pit mix, and I couldn't be more proud. He's a bit of a roller coaster ride and has been since he was a puppy, he has his ups and down, But there's so much personality within him.
We got Gabriel in August 2010, in Colorado, bought him off a lady at a motel for 30$. My stepmom and my Dad got him for us- my sisters and I.
Gabriel is a great dog, but he has his problems. when he was younger it was excited urination. and for a puppy that's a big deal... puppies get excited so easily. But on top of that... he also suffers from submissive urination, to tell him "No!" To harshly would result in a small puddle. He out grew the excited urination and has become conscious of the submissive urination to the point he'll avoid someone for a minute until he get's himself under control and then go up to them. On top of that, he does suffer from severe separation anxiety. but I'll fix that with getting him another dog, just can't have another on the road. It would be too much.
Gabriel is, a beautiful dog. I knew this when I first saw him, and have no shame in saying he is. His ice blue eyes against his black fur stand out like they do on any dog. He goes everywhere with me.
due to his separation anxiety... he almost has too, but he has a kennel. He rides great in the truck and loves to move and travel. He's highly intelligent, but still to dumb to realize how many times I leave the room I'm coming back. - roller coaster, like I said.
In may this year 2011, My stepmom and dad decided they could no longer keep him, so I took him. and now Gabriel has become my dog. He is a bit spoiled, and I have a bit more work to do with him, he's great with other dogs, and really gentle with little kids and babies. But he still has a problem with jumping up on knew people. and That is not acceptable.
But all in all he's a good dog, he's happy to curl up and watch a movie with you just as much as he likes to play fetch and run. and Run he can.
If no one has time to play Gabriel will play fetch with himself. I can't buy him anything too hard for fear he might toss it to hard and break something.
And me
I'm an artist, writer and photographer aspiring to become a video game artist and designer and media writer, one step at a time right? My name is Heather, I'm from Mobile Alabama, a small town called Theodore to be more precise. but I've been in Colorado for seven years. I'm aiming to go to full sail university.I really want to, but we will see how well it goes. In the next few months, I'm sure you'll find out.
I My art can be found at Deviant art . I'm not extravagant like some, but I'll get there one day, maybe. and that's all for now~
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